completely new music - thank you Tim -, and new two"> completely new music - thank you Tim -, and new two"> Toronto Pro Supershow 2011 - Allison Ethier Fitness

Toronto Pro Supershow 2011

Hello Everyone-

The time has come once again.  On to another show.

Yes, I am a bit crazy.  And I do compete a lot. This will be my 3rd show in IFBB Pro fitness of year.  With only 4 shows being offered in fitness (not including the Arnold or Olympia) I need to make the most of every event in order to qualify for the Olympia.   This last and final goal of my fitness journey.

I will be presenting a new routine – Drumline part II –> completely new music – thank you Tim –, and new two piece by ultimate competition suit designer and IFBB Pro – Tamee Marie.

You can see a listing of competitors at the website.

With that being said – the Toronto Pro Supershow is on 17th of June – prelims at 1:30pm and finals (the routine) at 6:30pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Center.

I am all prepped, – food, training, and body .  Unfortunately no progress pics this time.  I was swamped with my personal training business, and ended up giving away any extra time for myself to my clients.  This is what we women seem to do – put everyone else first, and ourselves last.

I am leaving on Tuesday, have meetings all week – Lean Bodies Consulting, a shoot with Oxygen Magazine, Slimquick Razor, and then I am off to compete.

I will chumming with an old friend of mine – and first time IFBB professional competitor – Sherry Boudreau.

This, I believe, is the main reason why I continue to compete. I have made, and continue to take the opportunity to meet new competitors who are in essence just like me, and grow my current relationships with those who I have known for many, many years.  I value their knowledge, their persistence, and their perspective on life, as sometimes life in the fitness industry can put you in a bubble.

If you see me over the weekend, feel free to stop me and say hello.  I will be unable to make the festivities on Saturday as I am booked with another event, but I am sure their will be plenty of Muscle Insider photos to keep me updated on all the fun.

See you all soon,


Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
No Comments
  1. Hey Allison, good luck next weekend. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to meet at the show. Last time a saw you compete I think it was in a Moncton High School. I was accredited a media pass so I will be up close all weekend working my Nikon camera. I will do my best to grap some good shots of you on stage.


  2. Would love that Serge-
    See you soon, and safe travels.

  3. Thank you for sharing my first pro show with me. You are such a great friend and even greater athlete! I adore you and can’t wait until our next show together. Good times!

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