Day 6 : Genetics

Day 6: Genetics

Day 6 : Genetics
Just because you inherited a certain shape does not mean you have to accept it.
You can appreciate, respect and honor, and love your body WHILE making changes.
Lower body heavy
Thick in the middle
Skinny all over
Skinny fat
Pear Shape
Apple Shape
{insert naming of body type/somatotype here}
Whatever your body shape YOU can make adjustments
Good quality nutrition, a solid training plan and a some cardio can go long way to changing your body & make you feel amazing inside and out
If YOU want to make the change, any change…
However, IF you are content where you are, that is OKAY too.
If you are not willing to accept …let’s get down to business and make some CHANGES!
Let’s get to work!

Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1
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